Dialogue Volume 15, Issue 2 2019 | Seite 3

Features continued 25 Boundary Violations The College’s draft policy on boundary violations is addressing, for the first time, non-sexual boundary violations. 27 Disclosure of Harm The expectations in the updated draft policy reflect the principles that full disclosure helps foster openness, transparency, and good communication in the delivery of medical treatment. 29 Out of Hospital Procedures  Physicians are reminded that they can only perform 21 procedures using certain types of anesthesia, including nerve blocks, in a non-hospital site if the premises has first been approved by the College. 31 Criminal Charges in Another Jurisdiction  Council is proposing a by-law that, if approved, could see information about criminal offences committed in another jurisdiction posted on the public register. 32 Strategic Plan  The College has set the direction for the years 2020-2025 with a new strategic plan. Practice Partner 35 Communication Tips from a TV Doctor  The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science has developed a series of workshops and programs taught at medical schools. 41 One Issue Per Visit Strategy  Restricting your patient to addressing one-issue per visit can pose a risk. It requires patients to triage their own health issues – something many patients are not capable of doing. 43 W  hen Rostered Patients Seek Care Elsewhere  Has your rostered patient sought care elsewhere? It can be frustrating, but don’t react in anger. Instead communicate with your patient to ensure that they understand the obligations within a rostered relationship. 35 44 Patient Safety  Physicians working in long-term care homes are reminded of the need for regular and as needed monitoring of the INR, especially when there is a change in a patient’s health status.