Notice of Election Council Member Candidate
Contribute to medical regulation!
Run in the upcoming election
Notice from the Registrar regarding 2019 Council Elections in the following districts:
District 1: C
ounties of Essex, Kent and Lambton: 1 position
District 2: C
ounties of Elgin, Huron, Middlesex, Oxford and Perth: 1 position
District 3: C
ounties of Bruce, Dufferin, Grey, Wellington and regional municipality of Waterloo: 1 position
District 4: C
ounty of Brant and the regional municipalities of Haldimand-Norfolk, Halton, Hamilton-
Wentworth and Niagara: 2 positions
Do you principally practise in Districts 1, 2, 3 or 4? If you are not
practising medicine and are still a member of the College, do you live
in one of these districts? If so, this is your opportunity to hold a seat
THE IDEAL CANDIDATE at the Council table and participate in the regulation of medicine.
You have a passion for medicine
and ensuring the standards of the
profession are upheld. As a Council member, you would participate in:
You wish to shape the future of
medical regulation.
Decision-making about standards of practice and professional
conduct, and competencies for entry-to-practice and ongoing
You are committed to protecting
and serving the public interest. Strengthening the public trust in health care by sharing ideas and
You are looking to get involved in
your profession in a meaningful way. Helping the College deliver on its mandate of responsible,
If these apply to you, then you should
consider running in the upcoming
perspectives to help shape the strategic direction of the College.
professional, ethical decision-making in the public interest.
Participating on College committees.
Members interested in becoming candidates must submit their
nomination forms no later than 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 27, 2019.
To learn more about the eligibility requirements, the necessary
documents to submit, and the time commitments for Council
members, or to begin your on-line nomination process, visit:
On-line voting will be open from
Tuesday, September 24 at 7am to
Tuesday October 15 at 4pm. And go to About > Council > Council Elections
Paper copies of nomination forms are available on page 57.