Ensure that you have a system in place
that allows you to manage test results
effectively so that you can follow up on concern-
ing results.
Be respectful of patients during
intimate examinations. Explain what
areas of the body you will need to examine
and why. Get their consent before you begin,
and always use sensitive draping tech-
niques. [If you need advice in this area, read
the article on draping published in the Issue
4, 2018 of Dialogue].
Be mindful of the prescribing guidelines
for opioids and other controlled substanc-
es. The CPSO knows very well that some
patients will have different needs that will
dictate prescribing outside the recommended
guideline, but starting with an evidence-based
approach puts you on solid footing to apply
your own clinical judgment.
Respond in a timely way when patients
– or their representatives – ask for copies
of their medical record. I can almost guarantee
that a patient who is forced to ask repeatedly
for their record will make a complaint.
And lastly, I can’t stress enough the
importance of solid documentation.
Good medical records are important for many
reasons, not the least of which is to ensure a
patient’s continuity of care. And in the event
that a complaint is lodged against you, good
medical records will provide a window on the
clinical judgment that you exercised during the
clinical encounter. A complete, up-to-date,
legible and accurate medical record can make
all the difference to the outcome of the
College's investigation.
Dr. Akbar Panju is a vice chair of the Inquiries,
Complaints and Reports Committee and Professor
of Medicine at McMaster University.
Use language and a tone that is respectful
and empathetic. Yes, it’s true – our
clinical days are busy and we are working in an
over-stressed system, however, we need to be
mindful that we are seeing people at their most
scared and vulnerable, and they need kindness.