I’ve learned that everyone has their own unique story and
that you can’t take a cookie-cutter approach to elder care.
What strikes you as the most important aspect
of an impactful rural medicine?
I think rural medicine uniquely positions physicians
to positively influence not only our individual patient
needs, but also the wider medical community. If you’re
doing it right, you immediately become part of the whole
medical landscape. You’re not only seeing patients in your
practice and in the hospital, but you’re also connected
with the hospital administration, local LHINs, CCACs
and broader agencies to ensure the whole system is work-
ing together in quality, community care. Obviously,
we are lacking in the services available in larger centres,
and that makes it even more crucial for rural doctors
to get involved in the decision-making that shapes how
we deliver services in our communities. So you attend
regional meetings, fundraise, and develop relationships
with health administrators, allied health professionals and
agencies. If you don’t get involved, you may not like how
things turn out.
Women now make up 54% of family physicians,
but it was a different story when you went to
medical school.
Yes it was. In the mid-70s there certainly weren’t as
many women in medicine. My first year at Western
coincided with a dramatic increase in the number of
women enrolled in the medical school. There’s no doubt
that we rocked the old, established order. When I started
to work, I took over the practice of a much-loved, older
male family physician in Teeswater, a small rural village. I
was the first female doctor to set up practice in the com-
munity. Suffice it to say, my arrival stoked a bit of local
interest and skepticism. But, to be honest, it didn’t take
long for the novelty to wear off and even the most elderly
patients soon accepted me. Interestingly, I was inundated
with female patients who were new to the practice. They
wanted to talk to a female professional about birth con-
trol, gynecological issues, and so on. Clearly, there had
been a need for someone like me for a long time.
What has having a significant number of older
patients in your practice taught you?
I’ve learned that everyone has their own unique story and
that you can’t take a cookie-cutter approach to elder care.
Older patients are dealing with multiple comorbidities
and needs that are not always apparent. So, you have to
sit down with each patient and each family to find out
what’s important to them and the best way to help. One
patient of mine was a delightful old Irish gentleman who
had many medical problems and was dying over a couple
of years. He would often come to my office and I was
never sure exactly of what he wanted. In the end, I real-
ized he just wanted to talk of philosophy and the mean-
ing of life. From then on, we always booked his appoint-
ments at the end of the day so we could have unrushed
As you look back on your career, what are you
most proud of?
I’m gratified for the wonderful relationships built with
patients over the years. It’s a privilege to watch patients
and their families grow and to help them through chal-
lenges. I’m proud to have had a lead role in the estab-
lishment of the Wingham hospital’s oncology program
and improving the inpatient referrals process from rural
Ontario to London. But I’m most proud of the medical
system we’ve created in South Bruce/North Huron with
the hospitals, family health teams and allied health work-
ing together to provide coordinated and comprehensive
care in our community.