The patient perspective needs to be
heard at the planning table
s a parent of a child with complex
medical needs, Julie Drury was often
“You need to talk to
frustrated in her efforts to coordinate the people who are living
her daughter’s care and get access to the system, who have to
the information that she needed in order to decide navigate the system. You need
next steps. to talk to them and find out what
Even though her role as a senior federal health
is working for them and what is not working for
policy advisor gave her familiarity with some them. They understand the challenges and barriers
aspects of the health-care system, she often felt best,” she said.
frustrated with the lack of communication among
Right now, she says she is cautiously optimistic
health-care providers and other continuity of care about the provincial health-care system
issues across the health-care system. transformation. Bill 74, for example, suggests
Now as the inaugural chair of the province’s that patients and families should be engaged
Patient and Family Advisory Council, Ms. Drury is in meaningful discussions about health-care
determined that the patient and family’s voice be planning, and the Minister of Health and Long-
reflected in health-care policy and decision-making. Term Care recently announced the Patient
Patients, families and caregivers experience the
health-care system differently than policy makers,
administrators and health-care professionals,
Declaration of Values for Ontario alongside Ms.
“Things look good on paper, but now let’s put
she told Council in a presentation about the this into practice. We need to operationalize
importance of patient partnerships. And as such, these intentions and get them to live and breathe.
the unique knowledge of patients and families We have the opportunity to leverage patient,
needs to be incorporated into how health-care knowledge, experience and wisdom and make real
policies, programs and decisions are designed and change,” she said.
Council Welcomes New Public Member
Mr. Shahid Chaudhry
The College welcomes Mr. Shahid Chaudhry of Whitby to the Council table as a new public
Since 2011, Mr. Chaudhry has been an immigration and citizenship consultant. Previously,
he worked as a Senior Channel Performance and Sales Manager for Bell Canada. He has a
Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunications Engineering.
For several years, Mr. Chaudhry has sat on the Board of Directors of Trafalgar Castle School
and has been Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Durham Islamic Centre.
Mr. Chaudhry has been appointed to the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee.