Policy proposals address
key areas of confusion,
e are proposing some
changes to one of our most
frequently accessed policies.
And we want you to let us
know what you think.
The draft policy now out for consultation
is an update of the current Prescribing Drugs
policy, and retains the majority of the current
policy’s mandatory expectations. However, In
keeping with the policy redesign strategy, the
draft has been developed with a focus on clar-
ity, directness, and brevity. In fact, it is 70%
shorter than the current policy. The policy
redesign strategy reflects the “keep it simple”
approach inherent in right-touch regulation.
We believe that avoiding complexity will lead
to greater impact.
“I anticipate and hope that this consulta-
tion will generate a lot of feedback, and I ex-
pect that much of it will be very constructive
and go on to inform the finished product,”
said Dr. Scott Wooder, chair of the Prescrib-
ing Drugs policy working group.
Dr. Wooder said he is particularly inter-
ested in finding out what the consultation
participants think of the readability of the
proposed policy. “We have really made an ef-
fort to shorten the policy and make it more
direct. And I would like to know if people
can follow it better, if the expectations are