Dialogue Volume 15 Issue 1 2019 | Page 61

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES A while manipulating her legs and palpating her lower abdomen in an independent medical examination. Dr. Mossanen rolled down Patient A’s underwear, exposing her lower abdomen and upper part of her pubic area. Dr. Mossanen failed to explain the steps of his examination, failed to explain that he would be palpating a sensitive area of Patient A’s anatomy and failed to obtain informed consent. Dr. Mossanen failed to show sensitivity and respect for Patient A’s comfort, which was unprofessional. (b) failed to provide adequate explanation to Patient B in performing an examination and palpation of Patient B’s right and left inguinal ligaments and incidentally touched the area of the pubic bone, causing Patient B considerable distress. He failed to explain the steps of his examination, failed to ex- plain that he would be palpating a sensitive area of Patient B’s anatomy and failed to obtain informed consent, causing Patient B considerable distress. Dr. Mossanen failed to show sensitivity and respect for Patient B’s comfort, which was unprofessional. (c) breached an order make under section 37 of the Health Professions Procedural Code, and contra- vened a term, condition and limitation on his cer- tificate, which required him to notify all female patients prior to their appointments that he was required to ensure that a chaperone was present for the encounter. In addition, Dr. Mossanen contravened a term, condition or limitation on his certificate by failing to ensure that his Col- lege-approved practice monitors submitted their patient logs to the College on a monthly basis. 2018 Undertaking On August 7, 2018, Dr. Mossanen entered into an Undertaking with the College, wherein he ac- knowledged that he resigned from the College and undertook not to apply or re-apply for registration as a physician to practise medicine in Ontario or any other jurisdiction. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered Dr. Mossanen be reprimanded and pay hearing costs to the College in the amount of $6,000.00. For complete details, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Mossanen waived his right to an appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. DR. GEORGE WILLIAMS OTTO PRACTICE LOCATION: Toronto AREA OF PRACTICE: General Practice HEARING INFORMATION: Admission; Agreed Statement of Facts; Contested Penalty On April 23, 2018, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Otto committed an act of professional mis- conduct, in that he has engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all of the circumstances, would rea- sonably be regarded by members as unprofessional. Dr. Otto admitted that he failed to provide records in a timely manner when requested on behalf of three patients. Dr. Otto had a history at the College, including a caution in 2012 regarding his use of a physician assistant and inadequate record-keeping, a caution in 2013 for failing to respond to requests for patient records, and a discipline finding in 2015 relating to his completion of Special Diet Allowance Forms, in which Dr. Otto admitted that his record-keeping did not meet the standard of practice. ORDER The Discipline Committee ordered: a three-month suspension on Dr. Otto’s certificate of registration; a reprimand; the imposition of terms, conditions and limitations on Dr. Otto’s certificate of registration and payment to the College for hearing costs in the amount of $6,000. The terms, conditions and limitations include: maintenance of a log of all requests for personal health information for a period of 24 months; ISSUE 1, 2019 DIALOGUE 61