into Action!
t has been a busy winter and we at
the CPSO are looking forward to the
change of seasons as spring arrives. First,
I want to thank all of those who par-
ticipated in our strategic planning process. To
those who took the time to fill out the survey
and those who participated in our face-to-face
focus groups β your feedback is essential for
us to plan properly for the future. By the end
of April, we will share with you a summary
of the key issues and opportunities identified
by the profession. We will also share the full
strategic plan with you once itβs finalized in
the coming months.
By the time you read this message (or
shortly after you read this message), the new
CPSO website will be up and running! The
new website will offer an enhanced user expe-
rience; will be more concise and neutral in its
tone; and it will be easier to find the informa-
tion you need. We sincerely hope you like
it and welcome any feedback you may have
about the content and design.
I am also pleased to share on update from
our Quality Management Division on our
Quality Improvement (QI) focus here at the
College. We have developed a number of QI
tools including a self-guided chart review, an
interactive practice profile e-module and a set
of e-modules to orient new members to the
CPSO. We are currently piloting these tools
Nancy Whitmore, MD
College Registrar/CEO
with a number of Ontario physicians. As
2019 progresses, you will hear more detail.
Our complaints process continues to im-
prove and the introduction of the ADR pro-
cess has been well-received by both physicians
and the public. Over the past six months, we
achieved a 25% decrease in open complaints.
We now have the lowest number of open
complaints since 2014 at the College.
We have recently made a government sub-
mission to reduce red tape and achieve a more
efficient and effective regulatory structure.
The submission to the government includes
β among other things β a request to pro-
vide CPSO with greater discretion to triage
complaints. This would provide us with the
opportunity to further improve our processes
and allow us to focus regulatory activity on
the complaints that most impact public safety.
I have been speaking with many of you
face-to-face, on the phone and via email. I
am greatly appreciative of your kind words
of support, your honesty in the feedback you
give and your openness to move forward to-
gether to ensure outstanding medical practice
in Ontario.
Warmest regards,