Time to renew your certificate
of registration
Reminder: You won’t receive notification by regular mail this year
Important information about the 2019
renewal: Payment Options
Monday, April 15, 2019, 9:00 a.m. EDT: You can log in and using any of the following payment methods:
complete your annual renewal. • Visa
As in past years, you can submit your payment online
• Visa Debit
Monday, June 3, 2019, 5:00 p.m. EDT: Due date for • MasterCard
receiving your completed renewal information and the • MasterCard Debit
annual fee. (There will be a late payment penalty fee for • American Express
any fees received after June 3, 2019.) • Interac Online
As of April 15, 2019, the online feature for completing If you are not able to submit your payment online, you
your annual renewal will be available. As always, it is may pay by cheque. Just ensure that you allow adequate
critical that you provide us with your most up-to-date time for delivery to make sure your payment is received
contact information, including your email address, fax by the College before the deadline.
and phone numbers. Before April 14, please login to the
secure section of our website ( and Please Note: To comply with Payment Card Industry Data
make sure that your information is up-to-date and that Security Standards, the College is not able to accept
you can access your account. credit card information by email or telephone. Faxed
credit card payments will only be accepted if remitted
We will not send out paper notifications this year. If directly to the Finance Department at (416) 967-2654 or
you are not receiving email reminders, you may have (416) 961-3330.
unsubscribed. Make sure you review the information
on page 18 to ensure you are receiving important The College does not accept payment by wire transfer,
information from the College. email transfer service (Interac e-Transfer, Visa Direct)
or by digital wallet services (PayPal, Apple Pay, Google
Once it becomes available, you can view your renewal Wallet). As of January 2019, the College is no longer
notification online by clicking on My Documents within enrolled in the bill payment service offered through
our secure website. Once you have completed your financial institutions.
renewal, and your fee payment has been fully processed,
you will receive an email that your fee receipt, as well as To pay online, your internet browser must be relatively up
your CPSO membership card, is available from our secure to date. Please use, at a minimum: Chrome v30, Firefox
website for you to print. v27, Safari v7, Internet Explorer v11.
No Fee Increase This Year Need Help?
There will be no membership fee increase for a certificate If you have any questions, you can contact Physician
of registration for 2019. The membership fee for a full Advisory Services at 416-967-2603 or 1-800-268-7096
certificate of registration will remain at $1,725. ext. 603. You can also email your questions to feedback@