Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 4 2018 | Page 46

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES DR. MATHIEU BÉLANGER PRACTICE LOCATION: Ottawa AREA OF PRACTICE: Family Medicine (Pain Management) HEARING INFORMATION: Admission; Agreed Statement of Facts; Joint Submission on Penalty On February 15, 2018, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Bélanger committed an act of profes- sional misconduct in that he engaged in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reason- ably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishon- ourable or unprofessional. Dr. Bélanger is a family physician who practises in the area of interventional pain management. Dr. Bélanger currently works at, and owns, the Inovo Medical Clinic in Ottawa, a clinic that pro- vides interventional pain management procedures. Dr. Bélanger was the Medical Director of Inovo. Following referral of this matter to discipline and at the request of the College, Dr. Bélanger appointed an acting Medical Director. Nerve blocks, which are categorized as Level 2 In- terventional Pain Management procedures, are only authorized to be performed in an out-of-hospital premises (OHP) that is approved by the College. Between October 15 and January 2016, Dr. Bélanger provided interventional pain treatments to patients, including Level 2 nerve blocks, while working in a clinic that was not an approved OHP. Dr. Bélanger was aware of the requirement that Level 2 procedures can only be performed in an OHP that has been approved and that responsibility for notifying the College’s OHP program is on the physician. He was aware that the clinic where he was performing Level 2 procedures was not an approved OHP, had never been inspected under the Out of Hospital Premises Inspection Program, did not meet program requirements and that he was not autho- rized to provide Level 2 procedures in that location. There is no evidence that Dr. Bélanger’s perfor- mance of any of these procedures caused any harm to any patients. 46 DIALOGUE ISSUE 4, 2018 The OHIP information indicates that between Oc- tober 21, 2015 and January 13, 2016, Dr. Bèlanger billed approximately $103,428.00 for performing Level 2 procedures in the clinic that was not an ap- proved OHP, that are only authorized to be per- formed in an OHP. ORDER The Committee ordered: a suspension of five months on Dr. Bélanger’s certificate of registration; a repri- mand; successful completion of an ethics and profes- sionalism course; and a requirement for the College’s OHP program approval before Dr. Bélanger resumes the role of Medical Director in an OHP. The Com- mittee also ordered Dr. Bélanger to pay $5,500 in costs. For complete details, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Bélanger waived his right to an appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. DR. JOHN LEE BINGHAM PRACTICE LOCATION: Toronto AREA OF PRACTICE: General Practice (Psychotherapy) HEARING INFORMATION: Plea of No Contest; State- ment of Uncontested Facts; Joint Submission on Penalty On January 9, 2018, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Bingham committed an act of profes- sional misconduct, in that he engaged in sexual abuse of a patient, and in that he engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional. Dr. Bingham is a general practitioner who obtained his certificate of registration in Ontario on Decem- ber 1, 1980. At the material time, he was practising psychotherapy in Toronto.