Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 4 2018 | Page 15

REPORTS FROM COUNCIL Council puts forward recommendations for governance structural change C ouncil adopted several recommendations to modernize the gov- ernance structure of the College. We will present the government with the following recommendations: An overview of the discussions and decisions made at the December Council meeting. • Composition: a 50/50 public mem- ber/physician member board. • A smaller board: 12-16 members, to be determined by each regulatory college. mittees and the board (no overlap in membership) • A competency-based board model, whereby members, together, have desired attributes and competencies. • Selection process: Hybrid model (some competency based appoint- ments, some elected positions for professional members). • Equal reimbursement for public and physician members of the board. • Each college should have flexibility to determine whether an executive committee is required (the number of board members is a determining factor). Council also approved by-law amendments to facilitate opening up the College president and vice-presi- dent positions to public members of the Council. • Separation between statutory com- We provide more detail on page 25. ISSUE 4, 2018 DIALOGUE 15