Rationale for Rescission:
Anabolic Steroids
Under the Medicine Act, 1991, prescribing,
dispensing or selling drugs for an improper
purpose are acts of professional misconduct.
Further, the College’s Prescribing Drugs pol-
icy sets expectations that physicians prescribe
drugs only where there is a clinical indication
for doing so, based on a clinical assessment and
other relevant information. It is commonly
held by international and national anti-doping
bodies, that prescribing, administering or
assisting in the use of anabolic steroids, and
other substances or methods prohibited
in sport, without medical indication, is an
improper purpose. As such physicians’ involve-
ment in such activities will continue to be
taken seriously by the College.
Fetal Ultrasound for Non-Medical
Health Canada, which regulates medical devices
in Canada, has stated that the use of ultrasound
for non-medical reasons is an unapproved use of
this device. Additionally, the Canadian Associa-
tion of Radiologists and the Society of Ob-
stetricians and Gynecologists of Canada agree
that while this technology is safe for diagnostic
purposes, practitioners should reduce unneces-
sary, potentially hazardous exposure. For these
reasons, the College will continue to take seri-
ously this matter and will investigate instances
of unauthorized use of this device.
New Academic Representative from Western
Dr. Terri Paul
Dr. Paul has published in the field of thyroid disease, osteoporosis and diabetes and is a consul-
tant to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Osteoporosis Canada. She has been involved in medi-
cal education and won The Douglas Bocking Award for excellence in medical teaching, a Schulich
Educator Award of Excellence in Undergraduate teaching, as well as a Canadian Association for
Medical Education Certificate of Merit. She is the former Associate Dean, Learner Equity and Wellness at the Schulich
School of Medicine and Dentistry.
Dr. Paul replaces Dr. Barbara Lent, who served as Western’s academic representative for eight years.
Council is pleased to announce that Dr. Terri Paul will be the new academic representative from
Western University. Dr. Paul is a Professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinol-
ogy and Metabolism at Western and has a clinical practice at St. Joseph’s Health Care in London.