Dialogue Volume 14 Issue 2 2018 | Page 44

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send doctors to “ charm school ”, to decrease their brashness and reinforce how they must set the tone for their residents . This hospital also trains staff to be alert for the fallout of incivility , like people refusing to work with particular doctors , or complaints that go through the grapevine . Doctors there are not only empowered but mandated to report such incidents . A recent Psychology Today column ( May 1 , 2018 , Want Better Conversations in Times of Divisiveness ?) argued that civility is too low a bar , that it just says : don ’ t be nasty . The piece suggested we focus on a word that should be familiar to doctors , given where many work : hospitality – treating others in a warm and generous way . Yet civility has its own elegance , says Dr . Kaufmann . The term comes from the Latin civilis , and referred to the state of being a citizen .
Society depended on good citizenship and orderly behaviour . Without people cooperating towards a common goal , everything would collapse . So maybe civility is an ideal objective , in health care , other workplaces and life . Think of what it can unlock . There ’ s a reason why Lady Mary Wortley Montagu , an 18th century English aristocrat and writer , once said that “ Civility costs nothing and buys everything .” Will we be civil in our discourse 100 % of the time ? Of course not . That ’ s why people have to be conscious of it and act deliberately and thoughtfully , perhaps especially when tensions are high . “ We see the highest functioning teams where civility is a value ,” says Dr . Kaufmann . “ We need to keep the idea of being civil at the forefront of being a professional . That ’ s a good thing for all of us , especially patients .” MD

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