Scott Wooder @ScottWooder May 25
Congratulations to @BrendaCopps of @HamiltonFHT Vice-President
Elect of @cpso_ca
CHEO Hospital Ottawa @CHEOhospital May 24
Congrats to our own Dr. Sarah Reid who was recognized today
with @cpso_ca's Council Award for her work towards ensuring
#Canadian children receive evidence-based, high quality,
#pediatric #emergencycare
From our
Twitter Feed
Darren Larsen @larsendarren May 16
A group of super engaged docs in @MH_LHIN LHIN working with
Peer Leaders from @OntarioEMRs ... see one, do one, teach one
on Safer Opioid Prescribing and partnered efforts to make this
easier ! @HQOntario @CEPhealth @cpso_ca @CAMHnews
@afhto @EchoOntario @uoftcpd @OntarioCollege
Charles Weijer @charlesweijer May 13
@ThaddeusPope here is a useful document discussing
#boundary #crossings and #violations from @cpso_ca.
@VinayPrasadMD I agree that this is plainly a case of justified
boundary crossing = good medicine.
Boundaries.pdf …
Richard Steinecke @steineckerich April 26
This is an example of the kind of data regulators should be
collecting as a part of a risk-based approach to regulation.
Reassurance that a sometimes cited factor does not increase
risk is valuable information.
CPSO @cpso_ca April 25
Routes to registration: Study finds docs registered
through alternative routes perform similarly to peers
registered through traditional routes.
Paul Harte @pharte April 24
CPSO publishes: What to Expect During Medical Encounters.
An excellent primer for patients.
Eva Serhal @eva_serhal March 23
And we’re off! Our 1st @ECHO_ONMH bootcamp has started
@CAMHnews. We’ve got amazing participants from all over
#Ontario, from as far away as #SandyLake, representing
@OntarioCollege @RNAO @NPAO2 @OntPharmacists
@OCSWSSW @cpso_ca @OntariosDoctors @EchoOntario
@ProjectECHO @afhto
Theresa Boyle @theresaboyle March 3
Pretty sure tougher approach on sexual abuse by CPSO predated
#metoo @cpso_ca @JacquesGallant