“No.” Dr. Crozier then asked if she had experienced
an orgasm before, advising that it relieved stress.
Patient A then left the couch, stood up, and put her
coat on. As Patient A was leaving the office, she told
Dr. Crozier she was uncomfortable about what had
occurred, at which time he apologized and stated that
he had made a huge mistake.
Patient A then left the office, returned home, and
subsequently reported the incident to the police,
who investigated the matter. The police interviewed
Dr. Crozier later on in December 2013, wherein he
admitted to several aspects of this incident. Dr. Cro-
zier was accordingly arrested for sexual assault. Dr.
Crozier was released with conditions including that
he not contact Patient A.
Later that day, when Patient A was at home, she
received a phone call from a number that Patient
A recognized as being the number of Dr. Crozier’s
workplace at about 6:46 p.m. Patient A did not
answer this call and Dr. Crozier’s voice was subse-
quently heard to be leaving a message for her. Over
the next two hours, Dr. Crozier proceeded to contact
Patient A ten more times, leaving five more voice
messages for her begging for forgiveness. This was in
violation of his release conditions.
On October 9, 2014, Dr. Crozier pled guilty to
the sexual assault of Patient A. He was sentenced to
four months in custody and probation for two years.
Dr. Crozier was further required to comply with the
Sexual Offender Registry for a period of ten years.
Patient B
Patient B regularly saw Dr. Crozier for psychiatric
care between 2005 and 2013. In September 2013,
Dr. Crozier provided Patient B with diagnoses in-
cluding anxiety and depression. In 2013, Patient B
attended Dr. Crozier’s office for a scheduled appoint-
ment. During the appointment, Dr. Crozier asked
Patient B if she wanted a hug. Dr. Crozier came over
to Patient B and sat down on the couch next to her.
Dr. Crozier hugged Patient B and touched her breast
with his hand. Dr. Crozier then hugged Patient B
again and touched her breast with his hand again. Pa-
tient B attempted to brush away Dr. Crozier’s hand.
Dr. Crozier told Patient B that she had been through
so much and that he wanted to give her another hug.
Dr. Crozier indicated that he was thinking that Pa-
tient B could take off her top. Patient B replied that
she felt this was highly inappropriate.
Patient B told Dr. Crozier that she needed to leave,
but that she needed a new prescription. Dr. Crozier
told Patient B that he hoped she could forgive him
if he had been inappropriate. Patient B returned
home and told her husband what had transpired. Her
husband called Dr. Crozier’s office asking for a call
back. Dr. Crozier returned her husband’s call and
admitted to “crossing the line” with Patient B. Dr.
Crozier called back shortly thereafter on two occa-
sions, apologizing and inquiring if Patient B would
return to see him. Dr. Crozier subsequently left two
voice messages at Patient B’s home, apologizing and
attempting to explain his behaviour.
Patient C
Patient C first met Dr. Crozier on a date in 1993
further to a referral from her family physician. Dr.
Crozier saw Patient C for regular appointments until
2000 and prescribed medications to Patient C to ad-
dress her anxiety.
In 1997, Dr. Crozier’s child was born with serious
health problems. Around this time, Patient C of-
fered comfort to Dr. Crozier. He accepted, holding
her hand and sitting beside her on the couch durin