Dialogue Volume 13 Issue 4 2017 | Page 65

DISCIPLINE SUMMARIES required under section 85.7 of the Code, and shall post an irrevocable letter of credit or other security acceptable to the College to guarantee payment in the amount of $16,060; and Dr. Anastasio pay costs to the College in the amount of $5,000. For complete details of the Order, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Find a Doctor and enter the doctor’s name. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Anastasio waived his right to an appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. DR. CHRISTOPHER PAUL BRAND PRACTICE LOCATION: Brechin AREA OF PRACTICE: Family Medicine HEARING INFORMATION: Agreed Statement of Facts, Admission, Joint Submission on Penalty On October 18, 2016, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Brand committed an act of profes- sional misconduct, in that he has engaged in an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reason- ably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishon- ourable, or unprofessional. Dr. Brand had admitted to the allegation. Dr. Brand was the medical director of the Leacock Care Centre, a Long-Term Care Home licensed by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care at the time of the incident described below. One of the residents of the Centre, Patient A, was a man in his 70s with severe developmental delays since childhood and many serious behavioural chal- lenges. Patient A is mostly nonverbal and has been in care for many years. Patient A often engaged in aggressive behaviour. This behaviour was described as being akin to “temper tantrums.” During these “tantrums,” he was observed to throw and bang on objects, throw himself on the floor, scream, yell and cry, and hit or kick out around him. On a date in November 2014, staff had been at- tempting to cut Patient A’s beard, and Patient A refused. Staff asked Dr. Brand to assist because he had trimmed Patient A’s beard before. When Dr. Brand approached, Patient A dropped to the floor and began kicking. Dr. Brand grabbed Patient A’s legs or feet and pulled him on the floor, up the hall to a conference room, which had previously been set aside as Patient A’s bedroom. Neither Dr. Brand nor Patient A suffered any inju- ries in this incident. At the time of the incident, residents were attend- ing for breakfast and other activities in the area. The incident was observed by at least three staff members, including a nurse, as well as a compliance officer from the MOHLTC who happened to be in the building. The nurse who observed the incident asked Dr. Brand to stop dragging the resident by his feet. At that point, Dr. Brand had reached the door of the conference room. Dr. Brand was heard stating to Patient A, “you don’t want to get your hair cut,” as he pulled Patient A towards the conference room. Shortly after, Patient A exited the conference room, followed by Dr. Brand, who was holding hair clippers and an extension cord. Dr. Brand was heard to say, “guess the resident doesn’t want his hair cut then.” Shortly after the incident took place, the Admin- istrator of the Centre informed Dr. Brand that this would not be tolerated. Dr. Brand replied by indi- cating that he had been Patient A’s doctor for many years. Very soon after, however, Dr. Brand acknowl- edged to the Administrator of the Centre that he should not have dragged Patient A and that it was an error in judgment. He stated that, after Patient A fell to the floor, Patient A started kicking, and for that reason Dr. Brand grabbed his foot, “so he didn’t hurt anyone or me.” At the time, Dr. Brand had recently undergone an abdominal surgery, and was concerned that Patient A’s kicking might injure Dr. Brand. He therefore decided to restrain Patient A’s feet and return him to his room. Dr. Brand was terminated by the Leacock Care Centre on December 2, 2014. Full decisions are available online at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Doctor Search and enter the doctor’s name. ISSUE 4, 2017 DIALOGUE 65