unprofessional conduct in respect of two patients. He
was found to have kissed a patient during a medical
appointment and to have made inappropriate com-
ments to another patient, as well as brushing his
hand against her bottom.
On June 15, 2012, the Discipline Committee of
the College imposed terms, conditions, and limita-
tions on Dr. Anastasio’s certificate of registration,
requiring that Dr. Anastasio shall:
• p
rovide a written notice to each female patient
he sees in a form advising each female patient of
the Order and the findings in the proceeding,
appending a copy of the Decision and Reasons
when released, and advising the patient that the
College may contact them to inquire about their
treatment by Dr. Anastasio. Dr. Anastasio shall
ensure before providing treatment to a female
patient that she signs this written notice to ac-
knowledge she has reviewed the Order and Deci-
sions and Reasons (when released); and
• keep this signed document in the corresponding
patient file.
On November 12, 2013, a College investigator
conducted an inspection of Dr. Anastasio’s practice,
and noted that although Dr. Anastasio was provid-
ing female patients with copies of Appendix C to the
Order as required and another written document, he
was not providing patients with a copy of the July 6,
What does this mean?
We provide definitions for the legal terminology used in the discipline process
The physician admits that the facts
alleged amount to professional mis-
conduct and/or incompetence.
Plea of No Contest
The physician does not contest the
facts. The College files a statement of
facts as an exhibit at the hearing. The
Discipline Committee can accept the
facts as correct and make a finding
of professional misconduct and/or
incompetence. The physician does
not admit to the facts or findings for