Dialogue Volume 13 Issue 4 2017 | Page 2

MD Vol. 13, Issue 4, 2017 is the official publication of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The objective of this magazine is to provide clear policy direction and review pertinent legislative and disciplinary information, consult with the profession on issues of concern, and provide a forum for discussion and exchange of information and ideas. This publication does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. In This Issue D I A LO G U E , V O L . 1 3 , I S S U E 4 , 2 0 1 7 28 REGISTRAR Dr. Rocco Gerace DIRECTOR, POLICY AND COMMUNICATIONS Louise Verity SENIOR EDITOR Jill Hefley MANAGING EDITOR Elaine McNinch ASSOCIATE EDITOR Kathryn Clarke ART DIRECTOR Ally Tripkovic PRINTED IN CANADA BY Mi5 Print & Digital WEBSITE: www.cpso.on.ca 80 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada M5G 2E2 Tel: (416) 967-2600 Toll Free: (800) 268-7096 Fax: (416) 961-8035. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is the licensing and regulatory body governing the practice of medicine in Ontario. The College is responsible for setting and maintaining medical standards, licensing physicians, investigating complaints about physicians on behalf of the public, and disciplining doctors found to have committed act(s) of professional misconduct. Features 17 Uninsured Services Policy Emphasizes Clear Communication  It can get very confusing for patients when physicians propose or pro- Dialogue is published 4 times a year. The subscription rate is included in the annual membership fee and is $36.00. Publication Mail Agreement #40063319 ISSN 1715-8966 vide uninsured services with insured services. The Uninsured Services: Billing and Block Fees policy makes it clear that communications must be clear and impartial. The policy itself is at page 21. 22 Meet the New President Dr. Steven Bodley brings his years of experience in working with chronic pain  patients to the College’s efforts to facilitate appropriate opioid prescribing.