Dialogue Volume 13 Issue 2 2017 | Page 13

FEATURE 5 University. “Practising clinicians have also requested simple algorithms or summaries that highlight advanc- es in care and treatment of common endocrinological conditions that could be incorporated into their clini- cal practice,” she said. To meet this need, Dr. Khan explained that QI re- sources were drafted on common endocrine conditions in collaboration with clinicians regarded as leaders in their respective areas of expertise. Input and endorse- ment was also received from the Canadian Society for Endocrinology and Metabolism to ensure these educational resources provided relevant direction on how a physician might improve their care of patients with these common endocrine conditions. “The QI resources can be referred to when I’m con- ducting an assessment, and the physician can access them from the CPSO website after they’ve received my suggestions for quality improvement in their peer assessment report,” she explained. While not intended to replace other standards of care within their discipline, Peer Assessment Hand- books and QI Resources help provide direction to assessed physicians before, during, and after their assessment. New Peer Assessment Handbooks are being imple- mented across a dozen medical specialities this year, and all remaining major specialties are expected to incorporate new assessment tools over the next three years. Before any individual specialty adopts new handbooks into peer assessments, the tools are shared for feedback from practising physicians and physi- cian organizations as part of an external consultation. Consultations planned for this year include diagnostic imaging-radiology and rheumatology. As for the new QI resources, they are being imple- facts about Peer Assessment Redesign 1 In 2016, 93% of physicians randomly selected for peer assessment received a satisfactory outcome. The new approach to peer assessment is designed to provide relevant direction for quality to all physicians, including those already providing good care. 2 More than 450 physicians serve as peer assessors for the College spread across more than 30 disciplines. 3 More than 1,000 physicians and 14 physician organizations provided feedback on redesigned peer assessment tools. 4 Tools and education resources will be periodically reviewed to reflect changes in guidelines, policies, and best practices. 5 Assessed physicians may be contacted to provide feedback on their experience with the new tools. mented in select specialties (including endocrinology, family medicine, and walk-in clinic practice) and are being evaluated for their educational benefit to as- sessed physicians. If you have a peer assessment over the next few years, you may be contacted to share your experience in peer assessment, describe how it in- formed your own quality improvement, and comment on the factors that may facilitate or present a barrier for change in your practice. This voluntary feedback helps the College continue to improve the quality of its programs. For more general information on the peer assessment program and process, visit the CPSO Peer and Practice Assessment resources page: www.cpso.on.ca/CPSO- Members/Peer-Assessment. MD Issue 2, 2017 Dialogue 13