discipline summaries
discrepancies when compared to each other.
The Committee found that Dr. Marcin engaged in
disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct
in regards to her billing OHIP and record keeping
regarding Patient A.
Fabricating Patient A’s Medical Records
On December 18, 2012, the College received Dr.
Marcin’s original patient chart for Patient A, contain-
ing a letter from Dr. Marcin to Patient A bearing a
date in November 2010 purporting to formally ter-
minate her doctor-patient relationship with Patient
A. However, the information systems expert deter-
mined that the document entitled “letter of termina-
tion [Patient A] nov 2010.wps”, bearing a date in
November 2010, was in fact created by Dr. Marcin
on December 5, 2012.
The Committee found that Dr. Marcin engaged in
disgraceful, dishonourable, or unprofessional conduct
by creating a false and misleading patient record.
Dr. Marcin fabricated and inserted a letter in
Patient A’s medical chart two years after the date on
the letter while under investigation by the College.
She was intentionally attempting to convey to the
College that she had terminated the doctor-patient
relationship with Patient A in a professional manner.
The Committee found that Dr. Marcin engaged in
disgraceful, dishonourable, or unprofessional con-
duct by providing misinformation to the College,
delaying the College’s investigation, and attempting
to minimize her relationship with Patient A and her
boundary violations with this patient.
In making this finding, the Committee noted that
the College, in carrying out its role as regulator, relies
on the honesty of its members. When a member
purposefully provides misinformation, the effective
regulation of the profession is seriously undermined.
On February 11, 2013, the Inquiries, Complaints
and Reports Committee (ICRC) imposed terms on
Dr. Marcin’s certificate of registration, ordering that
she retain a Health Monitor. On October 21, 2013,
the ICRC gave notice of its intention to vary that
Order based on information that Dr. Marcin may be
in breach of it. On November 11, 2013, Dr. Marcin
entered into an undertaking with the College, in
Dialogue Issue 2, 2017
which she agreed to cease to practise medicine in all
Prior to entering into this November 11 under-
taking, Dr. Marcin issued eight patients multiple
prescriptions for narcotics between November 1 and
November 11, 2013.
The College expert found that Dr. Marcin’s Novem-
ber 1 to 11, 2013 prescribing of narcotic drugs, nar-
cotic preparations, controlled drugs, benzodiazepines/
other targeted substances, and all ot