council elections
Take a leadership role in regulation
Physicians in Districts 5 and 10 urged
to consider running for election
Be Heard: Participate in decision-
making about standards of practice
and professional conduct, and com-
petencies for entry-to-practice and
ongoing practice.
Be Visionary: Lead the profession
by sharing ideas and perspectives to
help shape the practice of medicine
in Ontario.
Be Accountable: Help the
College deliver on its mandate of
responsible, professional, ethical deci-
sion-making in the public interest.
Be Involved: Participate on com-
mittees including the Inquiries,
Complaints and Reports Commit-
tee; Discipline Committee; Registra-
Dialogue Issue 2, 2017
tion Committee; Finance Commit-
tee; or many others.
The Ideal Candidate
4 Do you have a passion for
medicine and ensuring the
standards of the profession
are upheld?
4 Do you wish to shape the
future of medical regulation?
4 Are you committed to
“My years in Council have
protecting and serving the
public interest?
been challenging, reward-
ing and exciting. It’s been
4 Are you looking to get
a wonderful opportunity
involved in your profession
in a meaningful way?
to be part of determining
the direction of the medi-
If you answered yes to the
above questions then you
should consider running in
the upcoming election.
cal profession while at the
same time strengthening
protection of the public
interest. Serving on many
What is the time commitment?
Council meetings are held four
times a year for two days each ses-
sion, and committee involvement
will generally mean 30 days per year
devoted to College business.
Specific eligibility criteria and
additional information about the
election process can be found on
our website at
Interested candidates can also email
[email protected] to
request a candidate guidebook that
contains information about the elec-
tion timeline, the role of a Council
member, and the election process.
committees has given me
insight into the way the
medical profession is gov-
erned. I highly recommend
putting your name forward
for election!”
Dr. Carol Leet
District 5
Council Candidate
Nomination Form and
Conflict of Interest Form
can be found on pages
o you practise in Dis-
tricts 5 or 10? If you are
not practising medicine
and are still a member
of the College, do you live in one
of these districts? If so, this is your
opportunity to run for Council. You
have a chance to hold a seat at the
Council table and participate in the
regulation of medicine.
As a Council member, you would
participate in the work of College
committees and contribute to the
development of College policies and
Participating in medical regulation
is an interesting and fulfilling job. It
is your chance to: