policy matters
Five things to know about the policy:
a patient’s medical needs do not align with the physi-
cian’s clinical competence and/or scope of practice, this
would be permissible grounds for refusing a prospective
patient. Such decisions, however, must also be made in
good faith.
The policy is also more explicit with regard to the use
of introductory “meet and greet” appointments and
medical questionnaires. The policy states that it is inap-
propriate, for physicians, or those acting on their behalf,
to use introductory meetings such as ‘meet-and-greet’
appointments, and/or medical questionnaires to vet
prospective patients and determine whether to accept
those patients into the practice. 1
However, once a patient has been accepted into a phy-
sician’s practice, physicians may use introductory meet-
ings and/or medical questionnaires to share information
about the practice and/or obtain information about the
Medical questionnaires include those administered in person, by phone,
or electronically by physicians or those acting on their behalf.
The policy:
1 Sets out how the first-come, first-served rule
applies in various practice settings.
2 Clarifies
that “meet and greet” appointments and
medical questionnaires can be used only after a
patient is accepted into the practice.
3 S
cope has been broadened to include all physi-
cians, not only those providing primary care.
4 C
larifies that wait-listed patients are to be ac-
cepted into the physician’s practice in the same
order in which they were added to the list.
5 D
escribes the limited exceptions to first-come,
first-served approach, namely to prioritize ac-
cess to care for higher need and/or complex
patients or to care for patients’ family members.
We want your feedback
Confidentiality of Personal Health Information
The College’s Confidentiality of Personal Health Information policy is currently under review. The policy
sets out physicians’ legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients’
personal health information. It also outlines the limited circumstances where the disclosure of personal health
information without a patient’s consent is permitted or required by law.
To assist with this review, we are inviting feedback from all stakeholders, including members of the medical
profession, the public, health-system organizations and other health professionals on the current policy.
We would like to hear your thoughts on the current policy, along with suggestions you may have for how the
policy could be improved.
Please provide your feedback by July 31, 2017. www.cpso.on.ca
Dialogue Issue 2, 2017