for your information
We want your
Confidentiality of Personal Health Information
The College’s Confidentiality of Personal Health Information policy is currently under review. The policy
sets out physicians’ legal and professional obligations to protect the privacy and confidentiality of patients’
personal health information. It also outlines the limited circumstances where the disclosure of personal
health information without a patient’s consent is permitted or required by law.
To assist with this review, we are inviting feedback from all stakeholders, including members of the medical
profession, the public, health-system organizations and other health professionals on the current policy.
We would like to hear your thoughts on the current policy, along with suggestions you may have for how the
policy could be improved.
In particular, we are interested to know:
Does the policy clearly articulate the physician’s professional obligations with respect to maintaining
patient confidentiality; as well as circumstances in which confidential personal health information may be
disclosed without the patient’s consent?
Are there any issues not included in the current policy that should be addressed? If so, what are they?
Are there other ways in which the policy could be improved?
We want to hear your thoughts on the current policy:
• Submit your comments to our discussion forum
• Send us your comments via email:
[email protected]
• Complete a brief online survey concerning the current policy
• Send us your comments via regular mail:
Policy Department
80 College Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5G 2E2
Dialogue Issue 2, 2017
Please provide
your feedback by
July 31, 2017.