Vol. 13, Issue 2, 2017
In This Issue
D i a log u e , V ol . 1 3 , I ss u e 2 , 2 0 1 7
is the official publication of the College of
Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario. The
objective of this magazine is to provide clear
policy direction and review pertinent legislative
and disciplinary information, consult with the
profession on issues of concern, and provide
a forum for discussion and exchange of
information and ideas. This publication does
not accept unsolicited manuscripts.
Dr. Rocco Gerace
Director, policy and communications
Louise Verity
senior EDITOR
Jill Hefley
managing EDITOR
Elaine McNinch
associate EDITOR
Kathryn Clarke
art director
Ally Tripkovic
Mi5 Print & Digital
80 College St., Toronto, ON, Canada
M5G 2E2
Tel: (416) 967-2600
Toll Free: (800) 268-7096
Fax: (416) 961-8035.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons
of Ontario is the licensing and regulatory
body governing the practice of medicine
in Ontario. The College is responsible
for setting and maintaining medical
standards, licensing physicians,
investigating complaints about physicians
on behalf of the public, and disciplining
doctors found to have committed act(s) of
professional misconduct.
11 Peer Assessment Evolves with New Tools
New tools introduced as part of the College’s Peer Assessment Redesign
have demystified the process by making the indicators of quality care
and effective documentation much more apparent to physicians.
focus on Opioids
21 Drug Safety Expert Urges a Re-evaluation of Opioids
The medical profession must seriously re-evaluate the role and limi-
Dialogue is published 4 times a year.
The subscription rate is included in the annual
membership fee and is $36.00.
Publication Mail Agreement #40063319
ISSN 1715-8966
tations of opioids in the management of chronic non-cancer pain if
Canada has any hope of emerging from this current crisis, Dr. David
Juurlink, a medical toxicologist, told Council.
22 Opioid Strategy
How can the College most effectively use its mandate to wage war on
the opioid crisis? At its last meeting, Council committed to a wide-rang-
ing strategy that puts patient and public safety at the forefront.