Peer assessment evolves
with introduction of new tools
ou just received a notification of an up-
coming peer assessment. And like many
physicians, you are unsure of what to
expect or even how to prepare.
The good news is that new tools introduced as part
of the College’s Peer Assessment Redesign have demys-
tified the process by making the indicators of quality
care and effective documentation much more apparent
to physicians.
“We have made the assessment process more
transparent by showing physicians how they will be
assessed. The tools will give physicians a sense of the
areas where they excel, and the areas where they could
improve, and how specifically they can improve,” said
William Tays (PhD), project lead of the College’s work
to enhance peer assessment.
With this new ability to prepare, we believe that
when the assessment does eventually take place, it will
be that much easier for the physician to benefit from
the opportunity to discuss their practice with a fellow
physician, said Tays.
We first described the Peer Assessment Redesign
Issue 2, 2017 Dialogue