Dialogue Volume 12 Issue 2 2016 | Page 69

discipline summaries but given Dr . Vasovich ’ s serious disregard for the College policy over an extended period of time , believes such a suspension is warranted . The proposed order also provides for remediation , in that Dr . Vasovich is required to successfully complete the course “ Understanding Boundaries and Managing the Risks Inherent in the Doctor-Patient Relationship ”. Furthermore , the order by the Discipline Committee complements a practice restriction on Dr . Vasovich from an Undertaking , effective May 11 , 2015 , which among other restrictions , requires Dr . Vasovich to retain a clinical supervisor to review her charts and observe her patient care . This order continues in place until Dr . Vasovich makes an application to the Inquiries , Complaints and Reports Committee for review . The Committee finds that the order it has made , in combination with the practice restriction , will ensure protection of the public through remedial measures and ongoing third party monitoring . The Committee therefore accepted the joint submission on penalty and costs made by the parties . In summary , the Committee ordered the following : a four-month suspension on Dr . Vasovich ’ s certificate of registration ; a reprimand ; successful completion of the Understanding Boundaries and Managing the Risks Inherent in the Doctor-Patient Relationship course ; compliance with the College ’ s Policy on Practice Management Considerations for Physicians Who Cease to Practise , Take an Extended Leave of Absence or Close Their Practice Due to Relocation and payment to the College in the amount of $ 4,460 for hearing costs .
Order For complete details of the Order , please see the full decision at www . cpso . on . ca . Select Doctor Search and enter the Doctor ’ s name .
At the conclusion of the hearing , Dr . Vasovich waived her right to an appeal and the Committee administered a public reprimand .
Text of Public Reprimand Dr . Vasovich , the Panel wishes to express its strong disapproval for the conduct which brought you before us today . The College Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario issues policies to its members in order to protect patients and prevent them from harm . Your flagrant disregard of the College policy not to treat family members is very disturbing . Your behaviour expresses a lack of respect for your governing body and its mandate of protecting the public . Self-governance is a privilege and it is vitally important that all members hold this privilege dear . It is disheartening to see you before us in a disciplinary proceeding following a 40-year career , which was previously unmarred . We trust that the remedies that you have agreed to participate in will prevent any further breaches .
The Discipline Committee found that the College did not prove that Dr . DEF engaged in conduct or an act or omission relevant to the practice of medicine that , having regard to all the circumstances , would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful , dishonourable or unprofessional . Dr . DEF is an ophthalmologist . The service provided by Dr . DEF , which provides context for this case , is Reflex Lens Exchange ( RLE ). Dr . DEF comanages patients undergoing RLE with optometrists . The College alleged that payments made by Dr . DEF to optometrists in relation to RLE patients were payments for referral , or kickbacks , and therefore constituted professional misconduct . Dr . DEF denied the allegations . It was Dr . DEF ’ s position the payments made to optometrists were for information related to patient outcomes after RLE . RLE is a surgical option for patients with cataracts . Regular cataract surgery focuses solely on the lens . RLE differs in that it includes a modification of the cornea and the insertion of a specific valueadded lens . RLE may include cataract extraction and lens replacement , which is an insured service under OHIP . The refractive procedure on the cornea and
Full decisions are available online at www . cpso . on . ca . Select Doctor Search and enter the doctor ’ s name .
Issue 2 , 2016 Dialogue 69