Dialogue Volume 12 Issue 2 2016 | Page 15

reports from council ally written by physicians and that physicians engage in conflict resolution when there is disagreement regarding a no-CPR order . Amendments relating to the policy content regarding physician-assisted death were also approved to update the policy in light of recent developments .
Medical Director Role in OHPs Council supported proposed updates to the Out-of- Hospital Premises Inspection Program ( OHPIP ) Standards that , if passed , would enhance the responsibility and accountability of the Medical Director , and address matters concerning quality assurance , infection control and staff qualifications . The draft OHPIP standards have now been released for external consultation . Please visit www . cpso . on . ca for more information .
By-law Amendments for Register Content Council approved for external consultation a number of proposed amendments to the register provisions in the General By-law . The proposed amendments fall into two main categories : revisions intended to better reflect current College practices , and corrections and minor improvements of a housekeeping nature . These amendments do not propose new information to be posted ; they reflect information that is already included on the register . Please visit our website at www . cpso . on . ca for more information .
Compensation of Public Members Council will seek legislative change that would permit the College to provide compensation to public members of Council . Ensuring the fair and equitable compensation for public council members of the College has been a long-standing College priority . Public members are compensated at the rate of $ 150 per day for College work . This rate has not increased in approximately two decades and is not commensurate with the time , responsibility and workload associated with the role .
Transparency Initiative – QA SCERPs to be Posted Last year , as part of its continued commitment to transparency , Council voted to post SCERPs ordered by the Inquiries , Complaints and Reports Committee on the public register . At this meeting , Council approved a by-law that will see SCERPs ordered by the Quality Assurance ( QA ) Committee posted on the public register . SCERP is the acronym for “ Specified continuing education or remediation program ” and is one of the options available to the QA Committee in determining the outcome of a peer assessment . Moderate risk matters that require education will be managed with SCERPs , consistent with the ICRC framework .* The rationale for this by-law amendment is that no matter where a matter originates , the determination of whether we make the outcome public should be based on an evaluation of risk and handled with a consistent framework between committees .
* An earlier online version stated that voluntary undertakings are confidential . That is incorrect .
Preliminary Consultations In addition to the consultations mentioned above , we are also holding two consultations on the following policies : The Practice Management Considerations for Physicians Who Cease to Practise , Take an Extended Leave of Absence or Close Their Practice Due to Relocation policy sets out expectations for physicians with respect to the practice management measures they should take before they cease practising or where they will not be practising for an extended period of time . The Re-entering Practice policy sets out expectations for Ontario doctors who wish to re-enter practice after a prolonged absence . Please visit our consultation discussion pages at www . cpso . on . ca . MD
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