Dialogue Volume 12 Issue 1 2016 | Page 51

discipline summaries portunity for rehabilitation of her practice habits and will also provide a thorough protection of the public through regular supervision and reporting to the College. These reports will be reviewed and approved before her limited practice can be extended to seeing more patients over a period of at least one year, through the carefully laid out stipulations of the order. Finally, approximately six months after completion of the remediation program, Dr. Syan will undergo a reassessment by a College approved assessor. Dr. Syan will also be required to abide by all recommendations of the assessor and approximately 12 months later she will undergo a second reassessment. These reassessments will ensure continued protection of the public and that Dr. Syan is maintaining the standard of practice of the profession. In summary, the Committee ordered the following: indefinite and significant terms, conditions and limitations placed on Dr. Syan’s certificate of registration; an individualized education plan; a two-month suspension; a public reprimand; and payment to the College in the amount of $4,460 for hearing costs. Order For complete details of the Order, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Doctor Search and enter the Doctor’s name. Text of Public Reprimand Dr. Syan, the Discipline Committee is disappointed that you have failed to improve your medical record-keeping after your July 2008 course, and is further dismayed that your second course in September 2012 did not influence your record-keeping sufficiently. In the context of your practice, in which other practitioners must be able to comprehend your care of patients, the failure to improve record-keeping is incomprehensible and totally unacceptable. Our profession relies on continuing self-improvement, and education to ensure that patient trust and safety are paramount. You have regrettably failed to demonstrate your own ability and willingness to improve your patient’s care and the public expects much more of you. The opinions of the expert reveal a global deficiency of many aspects of patient care which must be addressed. The significant future restrictions and supervision on your patient care practice are an indication of how serious your weaknesses currently are. They must be corrected. The remediation proposed is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your commitment as a professional to the care of your patients and to rebuild respect for you as a member of the profession. The Discipline Committee trusts that you will not appear before the Committee again. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Syan waived her right to an appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. Full decisions are available online at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Doctor Search and enter the doctor’s name. Issue 1, 2016 Dialogue 51