Dialogue Volume 12 Issue 1 2016 | Page 39

discipline summaries to comply with an undertaking to the College. The privilege of self-regulation and the ability of the profession to self-govern and to fulfil its mandate to protect the public interest require members to be governable and to comply with undertakings made by the member to the College. When a physician has signed an undertaking with the College, the College must be able to rely on the physician to regard the undertaking as a serious matter and to abide by it. The following mitigating factors were taken into consideration. With the exception of failing to appear on the original date scheduled for this hearing, Dr. Lowe has had no previous appearances before the Discipline Committee and no disciplinary record. Dr. Lowe has since completed the College’s communications course and has, as of the date of this hearing, fulfilled his obligation in respect to the undertaking. As a result, the concerns that the ICRC had with regard to Dr. Lowe’s communication skills have been remediated. Dr. Lowe has accepted responsibility and admitted to professional misconduct, thereby saving the College the time and expense of a full, contested hearing. Aggravating factors were also considered. Dr. Lowe failed to complete all the sessions of the communication course on time. In addition, Dr. Lowe failed, on more than one occasion, to respond to emails from Dr. Y with proposed dates to meet. Dr. Lowe also failed show up for a scheduled appointment with Dr. Y. On September 13, 2013, Dr. Lowe was informed by the compliance monitor that his failure to comply with the College’s communications course would be considered by the ICRC. Despite being given such notice, Dr. Lowe had not completed the College’s communications course by the time that the ICRC considered the matter on December 4, 2013. The Committee was of the opinion that Dr. Lowe’s pattern of behaviour in his interactions with the College on this matter demonstrated that he was lacking in communication skills, which was the concern of the ICRC when it required Dr. Lowe to take a communications course through his undertaking signed on November 19, 2012. Having considered all the evidence before it and the submissions made by counsel for the parties, the Committee concluded that the goals of specific and general deterrence are met by a public reprimand, and the payment of costs. In summary, the Committee ordered the following: a public reprimand; payment of $3,418.25 for services rendered to Dr. Lowe by Dr. Y; and payment to the College in the amount of $8,920 for costs. Order For complete details of the Order, please see the full decision at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Doctor Search and enter the Doctor’s name. At the conclusion of the hearing, Dr. Lowe waived his right to an appeal and the Committee administered the public reprimand. Text of Public Reprimand Dr. Lowe, the panel is dismayed at the conduct that has led you here today. Had you complied in a timely manner, many months ago, you would have avoided this. The practice of medicine and membership in this College is a great privilege, and our self-governance relies on all members to strictly comply with orders and undertakings of the College at all times. Your wilful disregard for your regulator is alarming to the panel. Your actions have undermined the public trust and reflected poorly, not only on you, but on the profession as a whole. We certainly trust now that your obligations have been fulfilled, that you will proceed to practise with a new respect for communicating with patients, colleagues and your governing body. Full decisions are available online at www.cpso.on.ca. Select Doctor Search and enter the doctor’s name. Issue 1, 2016 Dialogue 39