Dialogue Volume 11 Issue 2 2015 | Page 58

discipline summaries DR. VIPUL KUMAR BHUPAL Practice Location: Toronto Area of Practice: General Practice Hearing Information: Agreed Statement of Facts, Admission, Joint Submission on Penalty On June 6, 2014, the Discipline Committee found that Dr. Bhupal committed an act of professional misconduct, in that he failed to maintain the standard of practice of the profession. Dr. Bhupal admitted to the allegation. The referral related to an investigation regarding the appropriateness of Dr. Bhupal’s referrals of patients for cardiac testing to Company 1, who rented part of his office space from him. Patient A Dr. Bhupal ordered echocardiograms without appropriate indications, and failed to order a lipid profile to fully assess the patient’s cardiovascular risk. Further, Dr. Bhupal failed to refer the patient to a cardiologist for a nuclear stress test following her echocardiograms and stress echocardiograms, and failed to maintain the standard of practice with respect to record-keeping, in that his chart lacked adequate means of tracking test results. Patient B Dr. Bhupal ordered multiple echocardiograms and stress echocardiograms without sufficient indication for this patien ]