Dialogue Volume 10 Issue 3 2014 | Page 30

strategic plan vision College’s Strategic Framework 2015-2018 priorities members and the effectiveness of self-regulation. This initiative is prompted by a growing recognition that access to more information may assist members of the public in choosing physicians, enhance accountability, and better inform any evaluation of the performance of self-regulation of the profession. Extensive external consultation with all College stakeholders is necessary to the success of this initiative. QUALITY PROFESSIONALS, HEALTHY SYSTEM, PUBLIC TRUST • Registration • Physician Competence •  nvestigations, Discipline and I Monitoring • Operations Key accomplishments to date resulting from the plan include: •  mproved registration framework I 30 DIALOGUE • Issue 3, 2014 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP strategic initiatives principles INVESTIGATIONS, DISCIPLINE & MONITORING OPERATIONS Information Management Quality data is a key enabler of the QMP, Education and Transparency strategies. This initiative represents a fundamental re-evaluation of how the College collects, manages, uses and releases data in order to support our strategic initiatives. In addition to capturing data to improve processes, this initiative will shift the College’s focus to analysis that will inform practice improvement, demonstrate program effectiveness and contribute to a healthy system. These new initiatives are the next stage of a strategic plan developed several years ago. That plan identified the strategic priorities which enable us to fulfill our mandate of self-governance. These are: PHYSICIAN COMPETENCE REGISTRATION EDUCATION TRANSPARENCY INFORMATION MANAGEMENT INTEGRITY ACCOUNTABILITY and internal processes • Increased number of physician  assessments • Development of an opioid public  policy • Improved compliance monitoring  • Priority on high-risk investigations  • Improved timelines for decisions,  even with increased volumes “We are proud of the hard work and the accomplishments achieved to date. We look forward to LEADERSHIP COLLABORATION reporting on our progress throughout the next three years of our plan,” said Dr. Rocco Gerace, College Registrar. While the strategic initiatives will focus on achievement of our vision, the College will be also be initiating other important activities, Dr. Gerace pointed out. Over the next three years, we will also continue to address important matters such as Infection Control and Opioids.