dialogue Summer 2015 | Page 4

WELCOME A letter from THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL As dialogue goes to print, Director-General Jane Easton has been in post for a little over a year. Here, in a special extended editor’s letter, Jane reflects on her first twelve months with the ESU and discusses the organisation’s enormous potential for growth and change as it approaches its all-important centenary year in 2018. T he ESU has an excellent reputation for the quality of its educational programmes, competitions and scholarships, but I am sure that many readers will have been asked “what is the English-Speaking Union?” when mentioning the organisation to friends and family. If you have ever found yourself struggling to put into a few words exactly what the ESU is and what it does, then you’re certainly not alone. Virtually everyone I’ve spoken to in the past year has had to think hard about how to do justice to such an historic organisation with such a breadth of charitable work to its name in just a few short sentences. The Board of Governors understands the need for such a concise statement, and they have set themselves the task of producing a new, short, clear statement that can be used to promote the ESU. There is a real need to build on the ESU’s already excellent reputation to make the charity better known, and to ensure that even more young people can benefit from what we do. The question of how we achieve this has been exercising my mind for ѡ