Diagnostic Medical Sonography News December 2020

Editor :
Staff :
DMS Faculty :


December 2020

Diagnostic Medical Sonography


Editor :
Yasmine Germain
Staff :
Mattea Callahan Jennifer Li Brianna Marriage
DMS Faculty :
Dr . Harry Holdorf
Program Manager 321-433-7130 holdorfh @ easternflorida . edu
Dan Clancy
Clinical Coordinator 321-433-7312 clancyd @ easternflorida . edu
Christina Gordon
Physics Didactic and Lab Instructor gordonc @ easternflorida . edu
Meredith Ott
Adult Cardiac Sonography ATC Instructor
Ott . meredith @ easternflorida . edu
For more information on Diagnostic Medical Sonography , please contact the Health Science Admissions & Advising Office at :
Medical Sonography
Four Junior students display how they stretch before scanning .

Letter From The Editor

“ The chapter you ’ re learning today is going to save someone ’ s life tomorrow . Pay attention .”
-Khangal _ Weheartit
During these past three months in the EFSC DMS program , we have been filling our minds with knowledge and skills on cross-sectional anatomy . We were able to differentiate between 2D traditional anatomy and ultrasound crosssectional anatomy . The images in our textbooks are not an exact picture of what is shown in ultrasound images due to the shape or placement of the organ . In addition , in our Introduction to Sonography course , we were able to act out workplace procedure in sonography . One film we acted out was about doing interventional procedures ; that was a learning experience . We were also able to talk to other departments , understand the responsibility taken in a surgical operating room , and apply these concepts to our exams .
Moreover , I am proud to say that my classmates overcame and conquered this semester . Through late nights , early mornings , and laborious work , we were able to pass our Ultrasound Bootcamp and receive our certificates . Ultrasound Bootcamp is required of EFSC ’ s DMS students in order to be placed within a clinical rotation during the second semester . Ultrasound Bootcamp requires us to exhibit integrity , demonstrate comprehension of crosssectional anatomy , and display a willingness to learn and help others . We passed with excellence , proving we will be astounding sonographers in the future . Now , we are delighted to enter the next year with good hopes for our clinical rotations in January . As we are coming to the end of the year , we can say that this year has encouraged us to be resilient in tough times , to persevere through undesirable situations , to learn to appreciate the little victories , and most importantly , to make every moment count .
Begin Your Day with Stretching As a sonographer , you are repeatedly applying pressure to your muscles , nerves , ligaments , and tendons . Over time , sonographers develop work-related musculoskeletal disorders ( WRMSDs ). WRMSDs are a painful condition that develops gradually over a period of time from repeated exposure to awkward positioning , using excessive force while scanning , work-related injuries , faulty work

This Month ’ s Issue

Letter from the Editor P . 1 In The News P . 2
Walking in Their Shadows P . 3
The Use of Sonography P . 4 in Veterinary Settings
In Five Years Drawings P . 5
You Can ’ t Heal ‘ Em P . 6 If We Don ’ t Wheel ‘ Em
organization ( infrequent breaks ), and lack of active movement . WRMSDs affect your upper and lower back , neck , elbows , wrists , hands , and shoulders . This disorder can leave you permanently disabled and out of a job ! And if that ’ s not bad enough , you are left in extreme chronic pain .
Additional shocking facts :
• “ Work-related musculoskeletal disorders ( WRMSDs ) affect up to 90 % of diagnostic medical sonographers according to the Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography ” ( Evans et al ., 2009 ).
• Of those sonographers experiencing pain , 20 % had career-ending injuries ( Murphey , 2018 ).
• About 9 / 10 of sonographers report they have neck , shoulder , and / or back pain or issues which “ prevent them from doing their job at the optimal level ” ( Wuebben & Roozen , 2015 ).
To prevent WRMSDs , it is imperative that sonographers understand and utilize the methods of ergonomics . Some examples of ergonomics are adjusting your chair to your correct height to prevent strain to your back and arms , adjusting the patient ’ s position , and adjusting your hand position to prevent pressure on your wrists and hands .
The Diagnostic Medical Sonography program at EFSC helps to prevent the occurrence of WRMSDs through regular stretching . Stretching is a beneficial way for sonographers to protect their bodies from strain during scans . We have appointed Yasmeen as the DMS PT instructor , and her job description is to ensure that DMS students stretch every morning before scanning .
Personally , stretching has made a significant change in the way I scan and am mindful of my body positions . Before these morning stretches , I had a lot a back pain , which made scanning uncomfortable . However , after implementing stretching into my morning routine , the discomfort I felt disappeared , and my back pain is reduced . According to ACE Fitness , “ when your back muscles are not stretched it can decrease your range of motion , causing you to have difficulties while doing your daily activities , straining your back , which can lead to fatal injuries . But when you stretch out your hamstring , hip flexors , and muscle attaches to your pelvis it ultimately relieves stress
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