Diagnostic Medical Sonography March 2021 | Page 2

Our class was asked :

Were you prepared to be in the clinical setting ?

Here are the recurring responses :
“ As a Sonographer , or anyone in healthcare , you put your patient ’ s needs first . I wouldn ’ t be in healthcare if I didn ’ t have a sense of empathy for my patients . I do believe I was prepared for clinicals . I think it ’ ll just take time to calm the nerves .”
“ Last semester prepared me for clinicals thanks to the lessons [ lectures , SDMS , and labs ]. I think the most important advice I got was to be prepared to know nothing and try to learn everything .”
“ Scanning since day one really helped me when it came to recognizing the organs on the screen . It also helped with identifying the abnormal from normal . The hardest thing to prepare for is finding something bad and having to keep a poker face . I have been able to do it , but that is the biggest challenge .”
“ I do believe I was prepared to be in the clinical setting . Although I don ’ t believe you can be completely prepared for the emotional aspect . Experiencing and seeing different anatomy will come with challenges . I recognized the hands-on setting is what truly connects classroom and lab with the association of what sonographers actually do .”
Diagnostic Medical Sonography