Diabetes Head On 4th Edition April 2021 | Page 19


dache … and cause it , too

Sailing between hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia
Hypoglycaemia : If you get rapidly appearing headaches when you are low , you probably will have other symptoms of hypoglycaemia , too . It typically happens if you skip meals or inject too much insulin . Your blood sugar may also dip after eating too many carbohydrates as the body makes an effort to fight back .
Hyperglycaemia is usually caused by not having taken ( or taken enough ) diabetes medicine , eating excess carbohydrates , limited physical activity , an illness , injury , or surgery , stress or getting too much or too little sleep . Also , certain medicines , herbs and supplements , elevate blood sugar levels .
Unlike hypoglycaemia-headaches , hyperglycaemia-headaches tend to develop slowly over days or weeks . You may find that the higher the sugar , the worse the headache .
When you notice that throbbing pain coming on …
First up , start by checking your blood sugar levels . If your blood sugar is low / below your target range : have some fast-acting carbohydrates ( juice , regular soda or sugary candy ). Avoid anything that contains fat .
If you do not feel any better within 15 minutes , have another dose of carbohydrates . Once you are back up on a safe level , your headache should gradually subside . Have a healthy meal or snack to keep your levels stable .
If your blood sugar is above the target range : you may need adjustment of your insulin levels . Or take a 15-20 minute walk to lower your blood sugar . As you work to get that blood sugar back to normal , you can also take a prescription-free pain reliever . Such medication may help your head heal a little faster , and drinking water with medication ( to reduce dehydration ) is vital .
Treat the problem at home if your headache is mild or moderate and you are not experiencing any other serious symptoms . But , if you have signs of severe low or high blood sugar ( confusion , trouble breathing , vomiting , fever , seizures , or loss of consciousness ), immediately seek medical attention . Remember that extreme blood sugar swings can be life-threatening .
Other frequent culprits behind headaches
Enjoy foods that help control your blood sugar and aim to eat regularly ; try having more frequent ' mini-meals ' instead of three larger ones . Getting into an eating routine and making healthier food decisions most of the time may help you achieve more stable blood sugar levels and fewer headaches . Identify potential triggers and steer clear : keep that diary of foods and drinks to pinpoint the problem and eat less of it !
Other essential causes behind headaches are high blood pressure , heart diseases and sleep apnoea . Treating blood pressure to target , leading a healthier lifestyle and diet , and finding solutions to improved sleep quality by managing sleep apnoea , will favourably impact your headaches and , most importantly , general well-being .
The effect of diabetes on many organs , such as the heart and kidneys , is well-established . However , fluctuating blood sugar levels also affect all the head .