Helicopter Rescue
Leigh Morris from 2C5 was injured during Ac vi es Week and tells
us all about her drama c rescue in an air ambulance.
The school magazine team interviewed Leigh to ask her ques ons
about how she felt being taken to hospital by a helicopter, how it
feels to feature in local newspapers and also we wanted to check in
on how she’s doing a er the ordeal.
Leigh told us she was in school during Ac vi es Week with her year
on Thursday 30th May 2013. The school set up a pump track and
Leigh accidentally slipped and hurt her ankle. Here are some of the
words that Leigh had to say...
It sounds like your fall hurt quite a bit. How did your ankle feel when you fell?
It was really sore!!! It was just sort of throbbing constantly.
How exactly did it happen ?
Well I was on the pump track and I was going round and suddenly I just sort of slipped. I
landed on my ankle in a really awkward way which is why I think I hurt it the way I did.
Was it a shock to you when you fell o??
De?nitely. It was quite sudden and I did not feel that I was going to fall at all. I got a fright!
You were on crutches for a while. How was that? Do you have to wear an ankle support
band now on your ankle.
The crutches were really annoying. I do wear a support band but only when I’m exercising.
It’s actually ok now.
Ever yone wants to know what happened and you’ve even been in The Courier. How do
you feel about that?
It was really exci ng being in the newspaper.
Was it really exci ng being in a helicopter?
Yes. It was my ?rst me in a helicopter and I was quite scared, especially because my an?
kle hurt so much but it was also really fun!
By Chelsea Hines