Recommended Summer Reads
By Annabel Macaulay
Stuck for book ideas this summer?
Look no further; the school magazine is here to help. These, are 10 ?zzingly
good reads to ease away the lazy summer a ernoons (or to pass the rainy days
when it’s so wet outside you can’t see through the windows, let alone go out.)
1. The Life of Pi - Yann Martel
You’ve seen the (frankly brilliant) Hollywood block?
buster, now delve even deeper into the remarkable
story of a shipwreck, a skinny vegetarian boy and an
adult Bengal ger. The remarkable plot, stunning
imagery and thought provoking nature of this book
will leave you ques oning everything from what is
right to what it is to have a soul.
2. Roald Dahl’s Ghost Stories
Believe it or not, before the era of the bed me story, Roald
Dahl wrote some the most shocking, nightmarish and lurid
tales ever put on paper. From voices in the night to phantom
lamps he (quite literally) wrote the book on creepy. Enjoy with
cau on, these stories are not for children.
3. New Moan and Breaking Yawn - Stephfordy Mayo
Join He?a Lump and the world’s pre est vampire Teddy Kelledy on
their whirlwind love a?air, in these hilarious parodies. New Moan
and Breaking Yawn. The two brilliant novels take everything we
hate about Twilight, compile it neatly into two wi y and hysterical