A note from Swift
So I will probably do this most of the time. My note. The bit you've all been waiting for. Not. So the big first issue... hope you've all enjoyed it. It's been a blast to edit and the quality of DGC's finest is truly outstanding. Hopefully you've all found something you wanted to see or were interested in and if you did there should be plenty more to come.
I personally have really enjoyed using Joomag. It is a great free online tool for making public newsletters/magazines. And I really do like some of the features, for example: the popup you can have which takes you to the specific page and I also like easy Youtube embedding. Sorry it's not available on mobile devices but there is a paid subscription for that.
I would also like to congratulate us all on the successful start of DGC itself. It has been a colossal feat to take what is successful and make it better but I believe we pulled it off. Special thanks to Pink, Sacred and Steel for being great at getting the site set up with all the features we wanted and so desperately needed. Also, congratulations to all the people who have gained leadership positions and well done to the people who have joined and although not being leadership, have made DGC what it is now and what it will be in the years to come, the unspoken heroes!
Thank you again for taking the time to read this and I hope you will enjoy next month's issue should you decide to read it!