While this region’s a destination in its own right, Of course they don’t have to move from the hotel
with OR Tambo airport at its centre, it also acts at all, and could just spend a day lounging by the
as the natural Gateway to four neighbouring pool sampling some of the regions finest wines!
provinces of very distinct character.
The lifestyle elements will quickly become
It is also an ideal hub from which to transfer on apparent as will the fantastic value for money
to South Africa’s regional neighbours – the most opportunities, should you spend any time in
distant of which is Mauritius at just under 4 hours or near some of the fantastic golf estates and
flying time. resorts, in the property market.
What really makes the region special are the It is a sad fact of modern life that there are
variety of activities and attractions, all of which almost no places left on Earth (and where
combine to make this area ideal as a family humans can be found in any numbers) where
vacation destination. you can walk out safely at night sporting a gold
While you might have chosen to be off struggling
watch and handful of cash.
with your slice at your golf course of choice, the So whatever area or areas you choose for
family can be let loose on a variety of off golf your vacation, if you let common sense and a
course activities from world class shopping and reputable tour operator act as your guide, in
spa treatments, to the beach and or visits to choosing to visit Southern Africa you will be on
places of cultural and historic interest. the verge of taking the holiday of a lifetime.
DG SAIO 2020 | 7