Nestled in the heart
of British Columbia’s
beautiful interior is a
piece of serenity, is a
place called Tobiano,
which is situated on
1,000 breath-taking
acres, surrounded by
mountain and lake
Tobiano is the most acclaimed
public golf course in Canada
created in this generation. The
winner of more awards than
any other modern public golf
course in Canada, Tobiano golf
course provides a stunning golf
experience, built on one of the
most spectacular pieces of land
in Canada.
Designed by leading designer
Thomas McBroom, Tobiano is
one of his many golf course that
can be found all over the World
from Europe to China to the
Caribbean, but most prevalently
in his native Canada. McBroom
knew he had found something
unique when he first saw
the site for Tobiano: “My first
thought was just how powerful
the site is from a drama and a
beauty point of view. I’ve said
it many times, but Tobiano has
to be the best site that I’ve ever
seen in terms of that beauty and
that drama.”
McBroom’s courses are
distinguished by their
details, strategy, routing and
outstanding beauty, and have
Volume 3 • Issue 26