• • • By Jim Klepper • • •
Money vs Safety
AN OVERWEIGHT TRUCK driver went to visit his doctor about losing weight . After the usual doctor stuff , the doctor asks the driver about his eating habits . Well Doc , replied the trucker , I eat 7 chocolate covered donuts and three apples every day and I just keep gaining weight . The doctor replies ; You must reduce your apple intake to only two apples per day , that way we can decrease your calorie intake and you can lose weight .
What kind of doctor would give their patient trying to lose weight that advice ? Only a government doctor it appears since that is essentially what law enforcement has decided to do to trucking . What ? How is that anywhere like the doctor ignoring the chocolate covered donuts and focusing on the apples above you may ask ?
Phil Byrd , President of Bulldog Hiway Express based in South Carolina , spoke to the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance ( CVSA ), which is composed of law enforcement agencies nationwide , on April 23 , 2013 and asked them to focus more on
42 DrivingForceMag . com August 2013 • • •
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