as weapons .
Let ’ s take Adam , for example . Adam played baseball through grade school , high school and college . He was a great “ clutch ” player . Adam had a pretty even disposition . I don ’ t believe I ever saw him angry or overly excited because of a missed play or a great play .
But I and everyone else knew that when the “ chips ” were down it was Adam who would step up and nine times out of ten get the hit or make the catch that would save the game .
I do believe that like Adam , all great athletes and ordinary people who do great things “ harness ” and “ store ” the stressful moments and those “ fight or flight ” hormonal configurations to do what needs to be done at exactly the right times .
Most of us take our pent up stress out on our loved ones , our bosses , the police officer who stopped you because you were speeding or the cashier at the store . Others just live with it and may end up diseased or worse .
If you ’ re smart , you ’ ll take a lesson from great athletes and not let stress be your enemy . Get angry and go exercise , use the stress to get real proficient at your hobby .
In other words , don ’ t walk around uptight and ready to explode . Go out and do something great !
If I can help , call me at 888-348-7623 or email mick . fitnessroad @ live . com
God bless you and yours , Mick ■
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