years pass develop the psychological and physical problems that eventually have to manifest themselves .
There ’ s no getting around it ; one way or another you are going to face the things that “ wind you up like a spring ” and reap the benefits or the detriments .
So your next question may be how in heaven ’ s name does one reap benefits from stress ?
Let ’ s take the world of athletics for example . I ’ ve had the unique position of training athletes of all calibers and sports . All aspiring athletes have stress . It starts with demands from fathers or mothers , coaches , teammates , standings , averages , other teams , schools and media . Over the years , I ’ ve seen many a promising athlete “ fold ” under the pressure , leave their sport and move on to another life . For many , it wasn ’ t that they didn ’ t have the talent , the “ chops ” or the love for the game . Many lacked an education in fortitude , and I will add just a small note that lack of fortitude in a young man is the product of poor coaches and motivators . Many athletes , who are talented , just get beat down by the politics and personal wars that have nothing to do with their sport .
I believe and have seen over the years that the athletes who do become proficient at their sport do not experience any less stress than the others . In fact , because of the “ thinning of the herd ” they may be under even more stress . But they have learned through different experiences to harness their stress levels and use them
26 DrivingForceMag . com August 2013 • • •
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