• • • By Mick Severin • • •
Get Angry & Do Great Things
THERE HAVE BEEN interesting studies done on the effects of stress . Stress can reveal itself in forms of anger , fear or depression . We ’ re certainly all aware stress can lead to all types of health maladies such as heart disease , obesity , cancer and a multitude of psychological issues .
Interestingly , some individuals do their best when they perform under duress . So that would lead to the question why . Why would stress benefit some and be so detrimental to others ?
Let ’ s start with this : everyone has stress in their lives . We all get stressed out because of real or imagined demands made upon us because of health , work , family , love , performance , money or the lack of and numerous other little things that creep into our daily chore of trying to stay alive and have some “ creature comforts .”
We all handle stress differently . Some head to church and ask for the Lord ’ s help , others turn to therapists or doctors for explanations and / or pills . Others keep the stress “ inside ” and as the
24 DrivingForceMag . com August 2013 • • •
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