DF 0813 proof August 2013 | Page 18



device .
Though many AOBRDs today are equipped with GPS to automatically capture location information , they don ’ t have to be ; drivers can enter their location manually . If location codes are used , then the driver needs to carry a list of those codes and their meaning .
Rule status
Though AOBRDs are the standard today , they won ’ t be for long . New rules are expected sometime next year to require next-gen e-log systems — to be called “ electronic logging devices ” ( ELDs ) — in most commercial motor vehicles .
The rules are expected to apply to anyone subject to the federal hours-of-service and logging rules in 49 CFR Part 395 , with possible exceptions for short-haul ( 100 / 150-air-mile ) drivers who normally do not have to log their hours . Though Congress wanted a final ELD rule to be completed this year , federal regulators will be lucky to issue a draft version before 2014 ( the proposed rule is currently slated for November this year ). After the final version is published , perhaps next year , actual installation and use of ELDs is expected to be required within two years . So electronic logs are on the way for most motor carriers and it ’ s not too early to start your search for a competent and reliable vendor . But in the meantime , make sure the logging systems you use today are compliant with current standards . ■
Daren Hansen is a Senior Editor – Transportation Safety for J . J . Keller & Associates , Inc . Contact him at transporteditors @ jjkeller . com . Also be sure to check out J . J . Keller ’ s website at jjkeller . com .
18 DrivingForceMag . com August 2013 • • •
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