DF 0813 proof August 2013 | Page 16



top or smartphone app in place of a paper log if it ’ s not part of a compliant AOBRD system .
Compliance check
How can an enforcement officer tell if a logging system is a compliant AOBRD ? 1 . The officer will verify that the device is “ integrally synchronized ” with the vehicle , allowing it to automatically capture required information like engine use , road speed , and miles driven . Many AOBRDs rely on a “ black box ” connected to the engine to accomplish this . If the device is not synchronized with the vehicle , then it cannot be an AOBRD and the officer can request a paper log for review .
2 . The officer will check whether the device
can display logs for the last seven days plus the current day . The “ display ” can be a chart , electronic display , or printout . It needs to display total hours driving and on duty , total miles , total hours on duty for the 7 / 8-day period , and the sequential changes in duty status for each driver using the device .
3 . Next , the officer will verify that the driver has an instruction sheet describing in detail how data is stored in and retrieved from the system .
4 . The officer will verify that the driver has a supply of blank graph-grid logs in case the AOBRD stops working . The driver needs to have enough blank logs to last for the duration of the current trip . 5 . Finally , the officer will verify that the driver can demonstrate how to use the


Hours of


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Give drivers the who , what , when , where , why and how of HOS , including the NEW Hours of Service rules .

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800-327-6868 • jjkeller . com / 103106
Reflects the new Hours of Service final rule with compliance dates of 2 / 27 / 12 and 7 / 1 / 13 .
Build a Smarter Compliance Program
PC 103106
16 DrivingForceMag . com August 2013 • • •
df 0813 Text . indd 16 7 / 9 / 13 2:07 PM