DF 0813 proof August 2013 | Page 14

• • • By Daren Hansen • • •

EOBRs , E-Logs , ELDS ... Oh My !

NO MATTER WHAT you call them , electronic devices that track drivers ’ hours of service are coming to a commercial motor vehicle near you .
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration ( FMCSA ) is finalizing its plans to require interstate drivers to replace their paper logs with electronic logging systems , capable of tracking vehicle movement down to the minute and the mile .
With many drivers already adopting “ e-log ” technology — whether compliant or not — and motor carriers contemplating what the future holds , it ’ s a good time to review the regulations as they exist today , make sure your current logging devices are compliant , and assess where the FMCSA stands on the road to new e-log regulations .
AOBRDs vs . digital logs
There are two types of electronic logging solutions in common use today , each with its own benefits and pitfalls :
• Automatic on-board recording devices ( AOBRDs ) that automatically record engine data to track drivers ’ hours of service . These devices collect data directly from the vehicle , are regulated under 49 CFR Section 395.15 , and must meet specific criteria . If you ’ re using an automated logging solution today in place of paper logs , chances are it ’ s an AOBRD .
• Logging software used to create digital logs . These include applications running on laptops , smartphones , and other devices that are not connected to the vehicle to capture engine-use data . The devices may include GPS capability to capture vehicle movement and location , but are not compliant as AOBRDs . As a result , they are subject to the rules that apply to paper logs : Section 395.8 . What is the key difference between these two systems ? AOBRDs replace paper logs entirely , whereas drivers using logging software must be able to print their logs onto paper , upon demand , during a roadside inspection . Officers are not required to accept a driver ’ s lap-
14 DrivingForceMag . com August 2013 • • •
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