When was the last time that you surrender to the
‘power’ of a place? Are you making of your own places
“powerful places”? | p.4
by Dey Dos
Experiencing grief for the first time: A useless guide for
choosing love | p.6
by Oriana Torres
TABU | p.8
by Amalia Ghiban
The ‘power’ of places
Dey Dos Magazine | Volume 1, Issue 2 | April – June 2014
5 Thoughts On Creativity | p.10
by Judit Osika
This issue of my magazine is
dedicated to the power of
those places that feed us with
energy and reconnect us with
our own life purpose.
Special thanks to all my friends that
contributed with articles for this issue,
without you this could not be possible.
What I learnt from learning to swim in my thirties | p.12
by Juan Cajiao
A story about “retirement...” | p.14
by Ana Borges
Spaghetti lessons | p.16
by Carson Kolberg
This year is going to be awesome or average