DEVRY LAS 432 Entire Course DEVRY LAS 432 Week 2 DQ 2 Technology and Social Ch

DEVRY LAS 432 Week 2 DQ 2 Technology and Social Change

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LAS 432 Week 2 DQ 2 Technology and Social Change
In what way ( or ways ) is the current Knowledge Revolution a child of the industrial revolution ? Is this a new revolution or simply an extension of the 18th-century revolution ? Given the history , is it perhaps more appropriate to call the current revolution a Communications Revolution ?
How important could the 18th century possibly be to our lives in the contemporary world ? To answer this question you will need to know something about how the Industrial Revolution changed the world that Europeans lived in . Historians divide up the world history into neat categories : middle Ages , Bronze Age , Cold War etc . Unfortunately real life is a little more complicated and these breaks are helpful but more or less arbitrary . People who lived in these periods generally did not feel them