Devry COMP 220 Entire Course DEVRY COMP 220 iLab 2 Resistor Lab Report and Sour | Page 2

of the method you used to confirm that your program worked properly . If necessary , include a clearly labeled table with test cases , predicted results , and actual results . Summary and Conclusions : Include a summary of what the lab demonstrated and any conclusions drawn from the testing of the lab program . Answers to Lab Questions : Answer any and all lab questions included in the lab steps .
Summary : Write a statement summarizing your predicted and actual output . Identify and explain any differences .
Conclusions : Write at least one nontrivial paragraph that explains , in detail , either a significant problem you had and how you solved it or , if you had no significant problems , something you learned by doing the exercise .
Each lab exercise should have a separate section in the lab-report document . Your lab grade will be based upon
the formatting of your source code ; the use of meaningful identifiers ; the extent of internal documentation ; the degree to which an exercises ’ specifications are met ; and the completeness of your lab report .
i L A B S T E P S STEP 1 : Create a Multifile Project
Objective : Create a C ++ console application that will model the characteristics of a resistor . Create a multifile project . Create and add to the project an h file containing the resistor-class definition . Create and add to the project a cpp file containing the implementation of the class-member functions . Create and add to the project a ccp file containing the main () function , which will instantiate a resistor object and test its member functions .
STEP 2 : Required Class Members The resistor class will , at minimum , have members that do the following .
store the nominal resistance value of a resistor store the tolerance of a resistor initialize any and all nominal-resistance values to correct , EIA , nonzero values that are greater than 0 and less than 1,000,000 ohms initialize any and all resistancetolerance values to correct , E12 , E24 , E48 , or E96 resistance-tolerance values allow the nominal-resistance and tolerance values of a resistor object to be changed by the user All member functions should have a test message stating the name of the function . All the test messages should be displayed or not displayed , depending on the value of a Boolean variable declared in main (). If the Boolean , display the message . If the Boolean , do not display the message .